Resources to Stop Drinking
Women drink during their pregnancy for a variety of reason. They may not know they are pregnant. They may not understand the dangers of alcohol. Or, they may not be able to stop drinking. All major medical associations in the United States agree that no amount of any type of alcohol during pregnancy is known to be safe. It is very important that women who are pregnant or who might become pregnant stop using alcohol immediately.
Giving up alcohol might be difficult, but help is out there.
When alcohol has been used during a pregnancy, the woman should immediately stop drinking and talk to her doctor. Every time she exposes her pregnancy to alcohol, there is an increase risk of damage. Regardless of how far along the pregnancy, the best choice is always to stop drinking.

A woman may feel pressured to drink while pregnant. She might find giving up alcohol easier to do by avoiding the people and places that make her want to drink. Or, she can substitute an alcohol-free “mocktail” for a traditional cocktail – an on-line search will provide numerous tasty options. The woman’s partner, friends and family should support her desire for a healthy pregnancy. A pregnant woman who feels comfortable explaining her decision not to drink for the health of her baby sets a great example for others!
Some women may find they have trouble giving up alcohol. She may have an addiction. People who are addicted to alcohol need professional assistance to stop using. For a woman who is pregnant, seeking this assistance becomes imperative. The sooner the woman stops drinking during the pregnancy, the better. But, it is never too late to stop!
A personal physician can provide referrals for treatment. If you need help finding treatment centers, please consult this interactive map to find services in your immediate area. You can also consult Alcoholic Anonymous’ website to find meetings in your area.
For additional help in Missouri, please click here.